Our School

Winchester Public School serves a population of almost 600 students in grades K-8 in Brooklin, Ontario.

The Winchester Public School school community is a safe and caring one with a focus on academics, well-being and character education. The school team works collaboratively to emphasize success for each student.

For parents and guardians

The DDSB parent portal provides specific information about your child's education.

Transportation, pick-up and drop-off

Help us support a culture of respect and harmony by adhering to school bus and transportation safety rules.  

Winchester PS is a walking school and we encourage families of children who can walk to do so, in order to minimize congestion at the front of the school.  Traffic cones are in place to designate the Kiss and Ride area. It is a single lane. There is no parking available as the parking lot is reserved for staff and guest teachers.

 Please let students out near the front doors, not near the bike racks. When this is done, traffic is backed up even more onto Watford, resulting in increased safety concerns for our students.

After dropping students off at the front doors, if you wish to turn LEFT you may go straight towards the pylons and turn left.

If you wish to go STRAIGHT or turn RIGHT, you must turn right after dropping off your student(s), and follow the roadway along the south side of the school and through the parking lot.

There is no parking along the south side of the school. Please stay IN your vehicle and wait for your child to arrive at the end of the day.

 For the safety of everyone, please DO NOT Enter the Exit at ANY TIME. Please follow the Safe Arrival flow, even when dropping off for Day Care.


Questions and concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s experience at school, please begin by contacting your child's homeroom teacher. If you wish to meet with another staff member, please contact the school office to book a meeting. Please remember to sign in at the school office when you arrive.